Persimmons are another great food source for deer.

Please note: We now have Persimmon tree packages available online from our Shop ‘n Ship Online Store with FREE SHIPPING ON ONLINE ORDERS!


7 GAL 

the_wildlife_group_japanese_persimmonJAPANESE PERSIMMONS{Fuyu} {Jiro} USDA Zones 6 to 10 – Small long lived trees typically getting 2-8 ft. tall and wide. The Fuyu and the Jiro are non-­astringent varieties and very heavy producers. These trees generally produce at a very young age (2-­3 years). They are great for wildlife and human consumption as well.
FRUIT: Fuyu: Baseball size fruit holding into November -­ December. Jiro: Large flat fruit and very tasty.Ripens mid to late October. (Click on image to enlarge)

(See catalog for current pricing)

3 GAL 

COMMON PERSIMMON 20’ -­ 70’ {Diospyros virginiana} USDA Zones 4 to 9 – Tree with a dense cylindrical or rounded crown, or sometimes a shrub, best known by its sweet, orange fruit in autumn.
HABITAT: Moist alluvial soils of valleys and in dry uplands;; also at roadsides and in old fields, clearings, and mixed forests.

(See catalog for current pricing)

1 GAL 

the_wildlife_group_japanese_persimmonAMERICAN GRAFTED FEMALE PERSIMMONS 20’ -­ 70’ {Diospyros virginiana} Grafted Female Persimmon USDA Zones 6 to 9 – As most of you know American persimmon are either male or female plants only the females produce fruit. Unless you are an advanced tree specialist you have no way of identifying the females until they start fruiting. This season we are offering a late drop grafted American female persimmon. This tree was chosen because it is female and it also drops fruit well into December and holds most years into late January. These trees still need pollinators which are male to produce so still plant some seedlings along with the guaranteed female plants. They are offered this season in 5″ root trapper bags for easy shipping. Drop dates Late November/ January.

(See catalog for current pricing)



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