Pears are about the best fruit tree you can go to for deer food and managing your land.

Why? Deer love pears. In addition, ease of growth and disease resistance add to their appeal.

Please note: We now have Pear tree packages available in online from our Shop ‘n Ship Online Store with FREE SHIPPING ON ONLINE ORDERS!

BAREROOT HEIGHT 3’-5’ CONTAINER 7 GAL ARTHUR LEDBETTER Hardiness Zones: 5-9 – Mature Height: 20′-30′ – Fruit Size: Medium – Drop Time: September Heavy annual producer. Fruit crisp and juicy. Leaves are dark green and free of leaf spot disease as well as fire blight. (See catalog for current pricing)
BAREROOT HEIGHT 3’-5’ BECTON Hardiness Zones: 5-9 – Mature Height: 30′-40′ – Fruit Size: Large – Drop Time: November Found in Tulsa, OK by O.M. Becton. Noticed in his In-Law’s yard and was impressed that it still had pears hanging at Thanksgiving. Produces larger pear that is very tasty has show no visible signs of disease. An excellent addition to your fruit tree plots. (See catalog for current pricing)
BAREROOT HEIGHT 3’-5’ CONTAINER 7 GAL the_wildlife_group_dixie_delight_pearDIXIE DELIGHT Hardiness Zones: 5-9 – Mature Height: 20′-30′ – Fruit Size: Medium – Drop Time: September to October Very juicy sweet pear with exceptional flavor.  Annual Heavy producer.  Tree is heavy producer and free of leaf spot disease as well as fire blight   (See catalog for current pricing)
BAREROOT HEIGHT 3’-5’ CONTAINER 7 GAL the_wildlife_group_galloway_pearGALLAWAY Hardiness Zones: 5-9 – Mature Height: 20′-30′ – Drop Time: October to November A hard pear with a round shape. Annual heavy crop of light green to yellow colored pears.  Free of leaf spot disease and has shown some resistance to fire blight infections.  Great for canning and late season deer hunting.  (See catalog for current pricing)
BAREROOT HEIGHT 3’-5’ CONTAINER 7 GAL GATE Hardiness Zones: 5-9 – Mature Height: 20′-30′ – Fruit Size: Medium – Drop Time: Until December Found some 30 years ago at the gate of the Old Hill Place.  Never shown any sign of fire blight.  Har per better suited for cooking and preserves.  Precarious and will typically produce by the third year after planting. (See catalog for current pricing)
BAREROOT HEIGHT 3’-5’ GILMER CHRISTMAS Hardiness Zones: 5-9 – Mature Height: 20′-30′ – Fruit Size: 2″ to 3″ – Drop Time: Until December Hearty heavy bearing tree that matures in early November until January.  Golden colored fruit. This is a seedling thornless pear tree.  Very late drop that holds into late January in some years. (See catalog for current pricing)
BAREROOT HEIGHT 3’-5′ CONTAINER KIEFFER Hardiness Zones: 5-9 – Mature Height: 20′-30′ – Fruit Size: Medium – Drop Time: September to October Grown more commonly than any other pear in North America.  Foliage is dark green and has no incidence of leaf spot. Strong resistance to fire blight.  Heavy producer at an early age and very productive each season. (See catalog for current pricing)
BAREROOT HEIGHT 3’-5’ CONTAINER 7 GAL MCKELVEY Hardiness Zones: 5-9 – Mature Height: 20′-30′ – Fruit Size: Large – Drop Time: September to October Fruit is smooth texture and extremely juicy. No sign of leaf spot or fire blight infection.  Very hardy cultivar that produces annual heavy quality crops.
BAREROOT HEIGHT 3’-5’ CONTAINER 7 GAL MS. LANEENE Hardiness Zones: 5-9 – Mature Height: 20′-30′ – Fruit Size: Large – Drop Time: to late December A Kieffer seedling selection developed in Downs, AL.  It has all the qualities of the Kieffer including fire blight resistance and great for canning and fresh eating.  Major difference from parents is the fruit hangs on the tree until late December and maintains it’s culinary qualities. (See catalog for current pricing)
BAREROOT HEIGHT 3’-5’ CONTAINER 7 GAL ORIENT Hardiness Zones: 5-9 – Mature Height: 20′-30′ – Fruit Size: Medium to Large – Drop Time: August to September Originated in Chico, CA and and introduced in 1945 through Tennessee agriculture experiment station.  Disease resistant pear that produces a firm juicy slightly sweet pear that is excellent for fresh eating or canning. (See catalog for current pricing)
BAREROOT HEIGHT 3’-5’ CONTAINER 7 GAL PHOENIX PEAR (ROTTEN CORE) Hardiness Zones: 5-9 – Mature Height: 20′-30′ – Fruit Size: Medium- Drop Time: September to October Green pear with some russet spots. Softens from the inside out giving the appearance of a rotten core. Has shown some sign of leaf spot but no sign of fire blight infection. Heavy fruiting characteristics. Parent tree is over 60 years old. (See catalog for current pricing)
BAREROOT HEIGHT 3′-5’ CONTAINER 7 GAL SENATOR CLARK Hardiness Zones: 5-9 – Mature Height: 20′-30′ – Fruit Size: Large to Extra Large – Drop Time: September to October Originated in Selma, AL area.  Heavy annual crops of very juicy fruit.. Yellowish green skin and very sweet.  Hardy tree that shows little sign of diseases. (See catalog for current pricing)
BAREROOT HEIGHT 3′-5″ CONTAINER 7 GAL ROOTBALL TS HARDY Hardiness Zones: 5-9 – Mature Height: 20′-30′ – Fruit Size: Medium to Large – Drop Time: September to October Shape round narrowing to the stem. Free of leaf spot and fire blight. Heavy cultivar (hence the name) that produces heavy annual crops.
BAREROOT HEIGHT 3′-5″ CONTAINER 7 GAL MOONGLOW Hardiness Zones: 5-9 – Mature Height: 20′-30′ – Fruit Size: Medium – Drop Time: August to September Highly resistant to fire blight. Grows well in the humid climate of the South. Strong upright, fast growing tree that produces heavy crops year after year. Recommended, of dessert quality! Oh, and the deer love ’em too! (See catalog for current pricing)
BAREROOT HEIGHT 3′-5″ CONTAINER 7 GAL WARREN Hardiness Zones: 5-9 – Mature Height: 15′-25′ – Fruit Size: Medium – Drop Time: September to October Another pear highly resistant to fire blight and said to be self fruitful. Referred to as one of the BEST TASTING PEARS IN THE WORLD!  Great eating, easy to grow and cold and heat tolerant. Better keep the deer off these pears so you can have one. (See catalog for current pricing)
BAREROOT HEIGHT 3′-5″ CONTAINER HARROWS DELIGHT Hardiness Zones: 5-9 – Mature Height: 20′-30′ – Fruit Size: Medium  – Drop Time: August to September Discovered in 1982 in Ontario, Canada. Cold tolerant fire blight resistant pear. Does NOT require pollination. Very productive tree at a young age. Wonderful human and wildlife attractant. (See catalog for current pricing)
BAREROOT HEIGHT 3′-5″ CONTAINER HUNTERS CHOICE Hardiness Zones: 5-9 – Mature Height: 20′-30′ – Drop Time: October to November A personal favorite. Found it on a piece of property I hunt frequently. Has shown signs of fire blight so I would rate it an average resistance. Produces heavy crops within three years. (See catalog for current pricing)

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