Hunters are sometimes surprised to find how much deer LOVE crabapples.

The Wildlife Group carries a great selection of the best crabapple trees for your wildlife habitat needs. Our Crabapple items will grow best in Hardiness Zones 4 -9

Please note: We now have Crabapple tree packages available online from our Shop ‘n Ship Online Store with FREE SHIPPING ON ONLINE ORDERS!

BAREROOT HEIGHT 4’-6’ 7 GAL the_wildlife_group_callaway_crabappleCALLAWAY CRABAPPLE – Callaway Crab apple produces showy white Flowers that bloom in April. The tree and fruit have excellent disease resistance. The fruit is bright red in color, up to 1 1/2 inches in diameter, matures in the fall and persist on the tree until December. The bonus to this tree is the fruit really holds on the tree for a long time. One may ask why do you want a tree that the fruit doesn’t readily fall. Being a bow hunter myself and having a job working hours seem to get in the way of my hunting hours. With the Callaway I can put the fruit on the ground when I want it on the ground. (Click on image to enlarge) (See catalog for current pricing)
BAREROOT HEIGHT 4’-6’ 7 GAL TRANSCENDENT CRABAPPLE – The Transcendent Crabapple tree blooms in early April with snow-white blossoms, bears a heavy crop of 2” large crabapples that are yellow with red cheeks. They ripen in August too September and the deer love’m. Great compliment to the Callaway & Dolgo. (See catalog for current pricing)
BAREROOT HEIGHT 4’-6’ 7 GAL the_wildlife_group_dolgo_crabappleDOLGO CRABAPPLE – Dolgo crabapple was developed for its many ornamental qualities. This plant is highly disease resistant, large pink buds and showy and is an excellent pollinator for other apples and crabapples. Dolgo produces extremely heavy crops of red fruit up to 1 1/2 inches in diameter, very similar to the Callaway. The fruit drops very slowly and will persist into December. (Click on image to enlarge) (See catalog for current pricing)
BAREROOT HEIGHT 4’-6’ 7 GAL DOZIER CRABAPPLE –Dozier Crab is a very vigorous upright tree with heavy spur production(spur is a short 3-­5” limb where the apple sets fruit). The fruit is large, oval round in shape. With cross pollination the fruit is generally 3 inches in diameter. The flesh is cream colored while the skin is yellowish with fine red stripes. The fruit ripens in October- November, hangs on the tree well and drops over and extended period of time. (See catalog for current pricing)
BAREROOT HEIGHT 12”- 24” 24”- 36” SOUTHERN CRABAPPLE –Thicket-forming native crabapple tree with straight, often fluted trunk and rounded, dense crown of spreading branches. Beautiful showy flowers in the spring. This plant is highly susceptible to apple cedar rust. Plant in areas free of cedar trees. Unlike most crabapples it does well in wet or moist soils. (See catalog for current pricing)
BAREROOT HEIGHT 4’- 6’ 7 GAL HEWE’S CRABAPPLE – This small apple has been in existence since 1717. It is known to be the most celebrated cider apple ever grown in the south. The Hewe’s has small fruit the size of a golf ball. Very adaptable from zone 5 – 9 ripening September /October (See catalog for current pricing)

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