MOISTURE MIZER (Soil Conditioner)

Package – EachReduce watering by at least 50% and increase your survival by adding just one tablespoon per bareroot seedling.   Moisture Mizer is a super absorbent soil conditioner that stores water and slowly reduces it for plant use.  These tiny granules can hold up to 300 times their weight in water.  Moisture Mizer can also be used to dip bareroot seedlings in the field while planting for added moisture when watering is not possible.  Simply mix ¼ of a pound (4 oz) to 5 gallons of water and let stand for about 30 minutes to absorb – dip the roots and plant.
1 lb.*See Catalog
5 lbs.See Catalog
25 lbs.See Catalog
50 lbs.See Catalog
*Treats 25 Trees

Felco Pruners & Lopers

Package – EachFelco Pruners are simply the Best Pruners on the Market! Very strong and reliable and easy to resharpen because of the quality blade. Felco 2 has always been very popular and the most sought-after pruner in the world. The Felco 13 is my favorite because of the extended grip for two-hand use. You can’t go wrong with either. We also carry Felco limb lopers & hand saws.
Felco  2See Catalog
Felco 13See Catalog


Package – EachEach –  we are now offering the same multi-purpose fertilizer that we use at the nursery. Double action is a 9-month slow response polyon fertilizer. What is polyon? Polyon is a slow-release coating that dispenses the fertilizer according to the temperature of the soil. This fertilizer will not burn your plants. It will not leech from excess water and will save you time and money. Great product for all your fertilizing needs.Analysis: Nitrogen: 15%; Phosphate: 10%; Potash: 10% Minors:  Calcium, Magnesium, Sulfur, Copper, Iron, Zinc, Manganese, Slow-Release Nitrogen: 17%
50 LB. BAGSee Catalog

Plantra Sunflex Tubes (Tree Helpers)

Package – EachProvides basic greenhouse effect to young trees. Retains moisture and protects trees from browse, chemicals, rodents, and most insects.  Environmentally safe and may be reused. A proven method to increase survival rates. We highly recommend using protectors. 
60″See Catalog 

Call For large order discounts on Tubes & Stakes

TREE STAKES (Tree Helpers)

Package – EachFiberglass Stakes. (Don’t waste your money on wood)
74″See Catalog

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